Herb of the Month- August


Didn’t get a chance to do herb of the month this past meeting so I thought I would use the blog to pass it on and see if people like the idea. Hopefully this will also give those people unable to come to the meeting a chance to stay informed on what we did.

The Herb of the month was Sumac, I brought in some berries to show everyone and made some Sumac Aide for everyone to taste. Since I don’t type very well I thought I would just point you to my blog to read the whole Sumac Aide thing: http://ethnobotanist128.blogspot.com/2011/09/sumac-aide.html

Sumac is not just for making a a drink, it is used Medicinally. The plant itself is high in Tannic Acid which is an astringent. A strong tea can be made of the leaves and bark and used as a skin wash for oozing skin problems like a poison ivy rash.

When I used to teach Maple Sugaring we would use the hollow stems as spiles to collect the sap from the Maple trees.

PS In the right column of the Blog you can sign in to follow the Blog and will get an e-mail when someone posts, Convenient!

2 thoughts on “Herb of the Month- August

  1. Great to have this blog Alan. Will be excellent reference for future. Can you post some info on the other herbs in past couple of months. Will be good to review. Thank you for the Wellness Group!


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